Innovative Production Engineering and Quality Assurance Division
Manufacturing Technology Development Department
Established the Ebara Manufacturing Technology Advanced Center (EMTAC) to support “monozukuri” at Ebara, and now solves problems regarding product development and manufacturing throughout the company. I feel that we are able to fulfill our role as a corporate organization by working together with bases including those overseas to solve problems which exist at manufacturing sites. I hope to make EMTAC an organization that contains the most cutting-edge production and manufacturing technologies within the Group. I would like EMTAC to be an organization everyone admires.
When it comes to skill acquisition the important thing is to take the initiative to obtain information and expertise on the subject. I don’t wait around for things to happen. I ask senior associates and people outside the company, and also study the subject on my own. When it comes to sharing expertise, we hold in-house workshops, and to give back to society EMTAC provides on-site work experience classes for junior high school students, to impart skills to the next generation. The participants can get a sense for what “monozukuri” is through demonstrations of 3D CAD, 3D printing, and so on.
Keeping with EMTAC’s motto (Prototype in your hands in 3 days!!), the organization is doing all it can to quickly provide prototypes to each business, and was awarded the EGCA Grand Award. I would like to keep focus on keeping the prototype activities on track. If we can overcome that challenge, I would like to see us make an effort to contribute to the future of engineers involved in “monozukuri” next, especially in a way that encourages young people to take responsibility for and follow through with their own decisions while being particular about producing results.
Read the cross-talk here