2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Cumulative
Number of meals 29,657 34,676 30,123 20,779 20,249 20,856 232,401
Donation amount 593,140 693,520 602,460 415,580 404,980 417,120 4,,648,020
Donation destination 2020 2021 2022
Used Clothes ・Japan Relief Clothing Center
336.0 kg 65.9 kg 134.6 kg
・Wakachiai Project
- 340.0kg -
Surplus Calendars and Notebooks ・Mother-land academy
・Nippon Volunteer Network Active in Disaster:NVNAD
(Japanese text only)
2,987 books 1,851 books 1,341books
Used Stamps Ota Volunteer Center
(Japanese text only)
- 11.2kg 5.6kg
Internship program Factory tour
Elementary school children, etc. 0 155
Middle and high school students 9 30
University students 120 0
Grand Total 129 185